Submitted by Colorado Container on

If you need a shipping or storage container moved, chance are that if you call any trucking company their first question is going to be, "Do you have a forklift or crane on-site? Unless you're some type of company or heavy duty handyman, the answer will almost always be "No". At this point the conversation shuts down and they let you know as politiely as possible they can't help you.
Don't let this get you down, there are options out there for you. Granted, it will cost a little more than a traditional flatbed truck, but it will save you on the costs of renting some type of equipment to lift the container.
To start out, you'll need the following:
- -> a tilt bed truck,
- -> strong chain,
- -> and two blocks of 4x4 wood (or something similar).
Of course, you'll also need a skilled driver and an empty shipping container.
Check out the following video for how we do it, and if you need our help just contact us through the site or send a text message to (970)239-1368.